
Sync and licensing companies usually fall into two distinct categories – the major record companies who have extensive catalogues (so big in fact that even they aren’t entirely sure what they own and what they don’t), or companies who have virtually no repertoire of their own but will find ‘the ideal song’ for you and your project.

Pickwick falls somewhere in the middle of these two categories. Yes, we have a relatively sizeable catalogue, ranging from historic recordings going back to the 1930s, one of the best classical catalogues around, the iconic (or kitsch, depending on your viewpoint) Top of the Pops recordings, a substantial Country & Western list and much, much more. You can find some of these titles listed in this section of our website.

What we have in abundance however is passion; passion for music and a passion for what we do. No job or project is too large or too small; we will work with you to ensure you get what you want, within your budget and on time. If this sounds interesting to you, then please contact us via and let us know how we can be of service.